As most of you know, me and my sisters are homeschooled (well, technically I am not anymore since I graduated, but I still consider myself homeschooled.) Anyways, I have had a few days off work recently and our area homeschool gym day fell on one of my days off! It was fun to be able to go. There was a presentation by the Iowa State University Wildlife Care Clinic. People can bring injured wild animals in to them and they fix them up and release them! However, in some cases, their injuries cause them to be "non-releasable" so they bring these with them during their educational programs. I thought this would be a good opportunity to get some up-close and personal photos of some native Iowa birds, that perhaps I would not be able to get otherwise. I know they are not in their natural habitat, but I hope you enjoy these photos of God's beautiful creation!
This is an Eastern Screech Owl named Screechy. He has been at the clinic for 12 years. |
He is mostly blind, but still has a very good sense of hearing! |
This one is an American Kestrel named Kessie. |
As you can see, she only has one wing. She had so many injuries, they had to amputate her wing. (Which has since been made illegal. If a bird has that bad of injuries, they have to put them down) It is amazing to me how she has learned to balance and live with only one wing. |
This is a Barred Owl named Kali. She has something wrong with the lens in her left eye. You can almost tell in this picture. |
She is so beautiful! |
A Great Horned Owl named Harvey. He only has one eye. |
This was his first show. You could tell he was not as comfortable as the others with all the people. |
Last, but not least, a Red-Tailed Hawk. (for whatever reason no one in my family can remember it's name! please comment if you know!) Her shoulder was dislocated and now she cannot fly well. As you can see, she also does not sit quite like a normal hawk, which is because of her injuries. (her right shoulder was the one that was dislocated) |
So beautiful and fierce!! |
The power in these claws is amazing! |
I cannot resist a black and white or sepia photo! |
All of these birds are raptors. Another bird in the raptor family is the American Bald Eagle. Have you heard of the Decorah Eagle Cam? It is a project from Raptor Resource, and I am definitely addicted! We began watching last year, and it is one of my favorite things to do! Here is a
link! Some people find it boring. To me, what could be more interesting and awe inspiring than watching Endangered Birds in their natural habitat, unhindered by man. One of my favorite moments was a late snow storm last year. Both parents were huddled together, snow covered on the nest to keep the babies warm. (Usually only one parent is there at a time) It is amazing to see how God provides for these creatures, and if He cares for them, how much more does He care for us- His children!
Well I had better finish up now. Mayhaps I can squeeze in an episode of MASH before our weekly Veggie-Tale watching, popcorn eating, family time! God Bless!