Hello all! This is going to be an exciting post for me! I saw, for the first time in my life, a Bald Eagle! In real life! It wasn't even an hour ago, so I am still super excited! Here is the story:
Me and my aunt went to Sister Act (coolest store ever) in Ellsworth. On the way home she suddenly starts slowing down. She says "A Bald Eagle!" and I say "where?" I see it, then exclaim, "and I don't even have my camera!" She says, "Yes! you do!" (I had just been at my sister's craft fair, and she wanted me to take pictures.) I then proceed to freak out. I quickly get it out and put together. She rolls down the window so not to make noise. I am snapping pictures like crazy. We slowly back up to get a better view. Then, it flies! Wow. What a breathtaking experience to see an eagle in flight! It was so close! So big, and powerful! Eagles have a six-foot wingspan. Wow. It flew across the road. I hop out and take off after it. I quietly ran across a random person's yard (If you are reading this, thank you!) and I found it again. I got a picture or two, then it flew again! This time I got one decent one of it flying. The most ironic part of the whole deal is that I was wearing my Decorah Eagle shirt.
I have no words to describe what a privilege this was. |
Look! It has it's eye closed! |
This has to be one of the most majestic creatures in God's creation! |
This picture gives you a good idea of how huge these birds are! |
Here is the eagle flying off into the distance. It is hard to spot. Look closely and you will see it! Look how big it's wings are! |
I am so thankful I was able to capture these. I am thankful God had it all worked out so I would even have my camera with me! Wow.