What a lovely evening. Listening to the Les Miserables sound track, drinking Passion TAZO tea (or as I call it, "Purple Tea") and blogging. These are photos of a Sugar Maple tree I planted in my yard, that I refer to as "my tree." Autumn is my favorite season on account of the crisp mornings, the fall smell in the air, and the beautiful foliage!
Fall always makes me think of Salvation. "Why?" you ask? |
Well, I will do my best to explain. Although I am not always the best at explaining my thoughts. |
To understand this, first you must know what Salvation is. To be "saved" is to believe that you are a sinner, Jesus died for your sins, and rose again. It also means to put your trust in Him, therefore you live for Him, and Him alone. |
I think that Autumn is a good illustration of this. |
The leaves and plants die. Just like Jesus died. Just like we are sinners, and without Christ we die. |
The winter snow comes and covers all the death with pure white. Just like Jesus' death makes the sins of those who accept His sacrifice as white as snow. |
Then spring comes, and with spring new life. Just like Jesus rose from the dead after 3 days in the grave. Just like if we ask Him to come in to our lives He will give us new life here on earth and eternally, in Heaven. |
So, in nature, death must happen to bring new life. |
In reality death must happen to bring new life. |
It may not be easy to accept the road of salvation. It isn't pleasant to admit that we are sinners and our sin put Jesus on the cross. Jesus doesn't promise an easy life for His followers, in fact He told the disciples that in this world they would have trouble, that the world would hate them as it hated him, but He left them with this comfort: "Take heart, for I have conquered the world!" As hard as it is to see the end of the warmth of summer, we know we have to go through the death of autumn and live through the hardship of winter before we can experience the new life of spring. We have to be like Jesus in His death, and live a life that is not easy, before we will experience the true joy of new life in Heaven! |
So, just as we can find so much beauty in the death of autumn, I find so much beauty in the saving Cross of Jesus. By His blood I am restored. By His Resurrection I live. There is nothing more beautiful than that!
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